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Vista Registry Educational Help Needed Please

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Johnny Computer

Johnny Computer

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Hello- I am an intermediate level computer user and am interested in starting to learn the basics of the Vista and/or XP registry. I am having some trouble finding good books or websites that have good easy to understand information for someone who is relatively new to the Microsoft Registry(I have a basic understanding of what the registry is and does and have made a few minor edits). I have found the following books but they seem geared more for IT Pro's. Can anyone suggest any resources that might help me top start to learn about the registry?? I already know all the dire warnings about messing with the registry....I am ready to tackle it. Any info anyone could provide would be much appreciated. Thanks!!

Here are the books I have already found....if anyone can suggest anything else that would be great....

Mastering the Windows XP Registry by Hipson
Microsoft Windows Registry Guide by Honeycutt
Windows XP Registry: A complete Guide to Customizing and Optomizing Windows XP
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