A couple of possibilities off the top of my head-
1. The info in the hosts file is outdated or incorrect.
2. Something else is doing the DNS requesting (like a proxy or security software)
3. The site has done something devious to get around the HOSTS file
4. The info in the HOSTS file has been updated.
5. A security program like Norton or an Ad Blocker like the former Ad Subtract can make changes to the file.
What I'm wondering is why you are sitting around typing in known bad sites just to see if they come up? If you call it "research", use a Spybot log for more grins and giggles. Depending on the HOSTS file for malware protection is not recommended. It's only another tool in the arsenal. Of course, prevention of malware starts with safe sane surfing, so it's not a good idea to be calling up every site on someone's HOSTS list without understanding and accepting the risk.
1. The MVPS Hosts file data is dated February 9th 2008.
2. As far as I know I don't have a proxy and I'm only running AVG free and Spybot S+D.
3. This is very likely in my view.
4. I'm viewing it in notepad to get the entries!
I only came across its use a few days ago, and thought I'd try it out. I never get malware etc so I have no worries.
I only ever visit about 6 web sites!!!!
I just wondered if someone might have had a quick answer as to why a few of the entries are displayed, when they shouldn't. It's not really that important and I'll leave it alone now....
Incidentally I found that you can "lock" the hosts file in Spybot S+D in Advanced Settings/Tools/IE Tweaks. However, when I unlocked it I still couldn't edit it.
Anyway, it's not an issue so I'll leave it as it is.
Thanks for your reply.