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Back from the repair shop

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Adrian Anansi

Adrian Anansi

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So I dropped my laptop, the screen shattered. I sent it in to get repaired, and specifically told them to check for other issues with the laptop, not just the broken screen. I get it back, and it runs very slowly. I figure it may just be because it hasn't been used in a while, I ignore it and install the latest Vista updates. I go to reboot it, and it beings to start up, gets past the Dell screen, the screen flashes a bit, and it starts the boot sequence again. Now, I can run using my recovery disk, Start Up Repair found issues but was unable to repair them, and Windows Restore couldn't properly restore files. So I'd like to ask you folks what YOU think the problem is. Is it because the computer is still broken, and those lame brains at 800Tech didn't actually examine my computer, or is it a very coincidental issue caused by the loading of Vista updates? Either way, what should I do?
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I'd suggest that you contact them first and foremost to get a list of the activities and "fixes" they performed on your system. This will give a better understanding of any underlying issues (especially if they did more breaking than fixing).
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