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Phone Help?

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I haven't been able to log on to ANY of my IM accounts on my phone(AOL,MSN,ICQ,Yahoo) they all come up with a "Servers not responding error" i figured it was just my phone but last night I tried it with my dads phone Still same thing

I was using a Samsung T-219 now i have a T-619.
The whole family can log in to their IM`s but not mine...And my sister has the same phone...

I have T-mobile BTW
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Perhaps it's a good idea to contact T-Mobile and ask for their support...
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Mr. Green

Mr. Green


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It might have something to do with your password containing characters that are not translating properly. You might have to change your password to only numbers and letters (however this will reduce your password strength). I had this problem and this was what the solution was after alot of frustration.
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