iPod Touch Question
Started by
, Mar 16 2008 01:16 AM
Posted 16 March 2008 - 01:16 AM

Posted 17 March 2008 - 08:27 AM

Moved to Tech Discussion
Posted 17 March 2008 - 10:22 AM

I have the IPhone, and I am pretty sure they run on similar updates. A new patch is coming soon that will allow third party apps, but I am sure it will only be ones that Apple somehow has their claws in.
Posted 17 March 2008 - 10:32 AM

You wasted your money on an iPhone? Man, you really are a nerd.
Someone get Excal some white tape for his horn-rimmed glasses.
Someone get Excal some white tape for his horn-rimmed glasses.
Posted 17 March 2008 - 11:09 AM

It was a Christmas present, didn't cost me a dime

Posted 25 March 2008 - 04:46 PM

sorry if I insult anyone here but when it comes to apple products, I don't care what it is, smash it and go pay half the price for a Zune or other gadget that does the same thing. I've never like apple products of anykind. As for the question on what you can do for games, you could try looking it up on google then transfering it through USB to the itouch (I say to use the USB because I've worked with an itouch and it does't do downloads to well)
Posted 28 March 2008 - 03:56 PM

Well, honestly the iPhone is not worth the money (it's way too expensive here since they actually mod it to make it work). It costs $1000 here (yes, it's that expensive). One of my friends has one and I got a few minutes of play time - uber-cool, but I wouldn't pay this money for it.
Apple products are truly cool but they are way too snobbish and expensive with their marketing and pricing.
As for the question, I'm in doubt Apple allows 3rd party software on the Touch.
Apple products are truly cool but they are way too snobbish and expensive with their marketing and pricing.
As for the question, I'm in doubt Apple allows 3rd party software on the Touch.
Posted 30 March 2008 - 08:38 PM

Unless you purchase the $20 5-App software upgrade, you'll have to wait until June to access the App Store. And if you are using an ipod touch, it will cost you money to upgrade to Firmware 2.0, which is required and installs the App Store. Once you have the App Store, you will be able to download and use free/retail Apps developed as a result of the recently released SDK. Some developers will release apps that cost $$, some will be free, depends on the developers.
May I ask why you aren't willing to Jailbreak? I find playing Nintendo on my iPod quite enjoyable. :-D
May I ask why you aren't willing to Jailbreak? I find playing Nintendo on my iPod quite enjoyable. :-D
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