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Internet typing lags.

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  • PipPip
  • 68 posts
1. The problem concerns only Internet Explorer, not Fireox etc..

when opening IE, the whole system lags.
and when typing in a new internet-adress, typing is delayed.

even when trying to push a button to check internet-options, there is a delay...

can someone please help me?

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  • PipPip
  • 68 posts
Is there realy no-one that can help me?
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    Member 2k

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Please be patient and remember that we are all volunteers and have lives outside our computers. You have also hit a busy time due to Easter and our members also have families. You have posted this same question in the Web Browsers and Email Forum here, which is probably the best place for it. Therefore this thread is closed.
Please remember if you haven't had a reply after three days you can post in the Waiting Room by following the instructions in the pinned topic there entitled "Has it been 3 days?" and you will be assisted very quickly.
Good luck.
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