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Vista Home Premium Simple Tasks Problem

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Nakes Kika

Nakes Kika

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I am running Windows Vista Home Premium (w/SP1) on a brand new HP a6234b. I wasn't all thrilled about having Vista as I had been using XP Pro for years...but getting used to it...regardless, I am having trouble with only the most simple of tasks.

When I delete files or folders, it seems to take up to a minute for them to go to the recycle bin and I have a nagging window while this is happening. When I empty the recycle bin - no problem at all. Also, when I create a new folder, it takes a VERY long time for it to process. By very long time I mean anywhere from a minute to up to two minutes.

Everything else runs fine and very fast. Just these simple things seem to take way too long.

I have run antivirus, spyware removal, etc. and found nothing that would cause this.

Is this just something I have to put up with until MS comes up with a solution or is there something I can do to correct the problem now?

If I need to include any further information regarding my system in order to help answer my query, please let me know.

Thank you for any help you may give.
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