Bad move, I found out. Vistas would not even be detected as a bootable OS, so I had to rushedly reinstall a copy of XP. Now, I'm back to using XP with Vista inspirat, but I'm Highly... HIGHLY HIGHLY agitated that the Program Files/Users/Windows folders ramain on my favorite "storage" hard drive, where I installed vista to, and they REFUSE to be deleted; I tried using file shredders in safe mode and standard XP OS, but they remain.
Is there any way to free up those 8-10 gigs that "Vista" is taking up? Or is it embeded into my hard drive now, and I've got to bite the loss until I can obtain a new hard drive to copy all my stuff to and reformat?
Thanks, I've apreciated the halp I've received so far and hope to get this new issue resolved as well!