as it turns out facebooks finances were leaked by employees who couldnt keep quiet. it was reported that in 2007 revenues were $150 million and the projected revenues for 2008 were said to double to $300 - $350 million. In October 2007, Microsoft bought a 1.6 per cent stake in Facebook for $240 million, valuing the site at $15 billion.
so my question is what do people prefer, myspace or facebook. have you, like me and many others, moved from myspace to facebook, stayed with myspace or even moved from facebook to myspace.
myspace is still a lot more dominant in the social networking market claiming 69% of the visitor share compared to facebooks 31% (Nov 07). but how long for? obviously facebooks impressive growth can not last for ever, but will it be bigger than myspace before a new, better site is released?
what do you think? ...