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Can somone help me with my computer? :(

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OK well I just bought a brand new computer like 3-4 months ago (HP and its got vista) Well when i got the computer it ran fast and worked wonders well for like a week now my computer has like went retarded on me :) It runs really crappy, It runs SOOOO SLOW, and it freezes all the time! Its really making me mad. I cant shut the computer down from thw start menu cause it freezes so i have to push the off button on the PC, also when i turn on my computer a black screen pops up and says stuff like start in safe mode and run computer normaly. I click the run computer normaly, and this has been doing this for like a week now! I was thinking it was somthing my bf put on the comuter...He downloaded somthing like limewire called Utorrent im sure you all no what it is :) well could that have somthing to do with my computer being like this? And i tryed to restor my computer but it hasnt helped :) Please can somone HELP ME!! :) :)
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    Trusted Tech

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Welcome to Geeks2Go!, Sammie

Like Limewire, uTorrent allows you to download files from other peoples computers, a method often used for downloading movies and software illegally (ie without paying for them). Additionally, these files are often deliberately infected with viruses since it's an excellent way of passing them on to a large number of computers. File-sharing is probably the number one cause of virus infections today, as more and people unfortunately want something for nothing, even if it means doing something illegal to get it.

To start with, I suggest you uninstall uTorrent immediately and don't let your b/f put it back, nor any other filesharing program. It's your computer, you decide what get's installed on it, not him or anyone else. Remember this: people who download files illegally risk being prosecuted if found out, and the fact that it's your PC (and probably your internet account too) leaves you liable to prosecution as well since it's usually the owner of the PC and internet account who gets the blame.

If getting rid of uTorrent doesn't fix the problem, please post again. But in any event, don't put file-sharing applications on it!
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John Hook

John Hook


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I completely agree with everything that pip22 said in his reply post. Unless you know what you're doing - P2P file sharing programs can be very dangerous in that they hog up processor/memory/internet bandwidth, they allow you to unknowingly download dangerous files containing viruses, they open your PC up to outside hackers and put you at risk of being busted by the RIAA if you start sharing copyrighted content.

You didn't mention the make/model of your PC - as well as how fast the processor is, amount of RAM and disk space. Also, if your PC came loaded with Vista Home - it does NOT have any antivirus software included (or possibly a limited "trial" version of Norton or McAfee). It's VERY important that you get a decent Internet Security program installed on your PC - I would suggest either McAfee Internet Security or Norton Internet Security. This will protect your PC from viruses, worms and internet attacks from outside users.

The other issue is your bf's ability to install dangerous software (LimeWire, Bittorrent, etc). If he is using YOUR account & Password to access this PC, you need to CHANGE your password to something he DOESN'T know - then create an account for HIM which is a "Limited" access account - NOT and "Administrator" account as "Administrator" access allows him to install software.

I would do the following:

1) Change your password to something only YOU know (Control Panel, User Accounts)

2) Create a new account for your BF - with "limited" access (NOT Administrator) (Control Panel, User Accounts)

3) Uninstall Limewire, Bittorrent and any unnecessary programs that you're not using (Control Panel, Applications...)

4) If you don't already have Norton Internet Security or McAfee Internet Security - purchase one of these (some ISP's like Comcast provide
them for free) and install it on your PC.

5) Perform a COMPLETE system scan for viruses and other threats.

6) Using the Windows Update feature - download and install any critical updates from Microsoft

7) Run a scandisk & defrag (usually found in the "Tools" tab when you right-click on Drive C then "Properties" in "My Computer"

8) Launch Internet Explorer and click on "Tools", "Manage Add-Ons" and disable any "Enabled" add-ons that you don't need or use
(be careful NOT to disable the add-ons for your anti-virus program (Norton or McAfee)

After you've done all of this - reply back and let us know if this helped.

- John
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Ok well i did what you guys said I deleted programs i didnt need, I did a windows update which took hours, and i scanned my computer with norton and its still running the same as it was :) And me and my boyfriend share the computer we had both of our own accounts he only downloaded that utorrent on his not mine, But i deleted my account because it was running like crap so his is the only account on the computer but its not running right either. There was a power outage a week ago and i had the computer running could that have made it go dumb on me?
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download avast 4 free if it will work for vista http://avast.com/eng...vastHomeEdition

on install avast will ask to do a bootscan click yes and delete anything it comes across. if this helps and it normally does, your pc will speed up drastically. main thing is i think you have a bunch of adwary/spyware running so scan for those using a free scanner.


hope this helps.
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    Malware Monger

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Hi there sammie it could well be that by using P2P you got yourself infected with malware, before we go further here we should rule out that possibility.

I suggest you head over to the malware forums. Read this thread first. Following what is outlined there you will get rid of at least the majority of your malware problems. If the problem still persists post a Hijack this log HERE for the experts to analyze. If it has been 3 days and you haven't received help, post in the waiting room and someone will get to you.
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