I completely agree with everything that pip22 said in his reply post. Unless you know what you're doing - P2P file sharing programs can be very dangerous in that they hog up processor/memory/internet bandwidth, they allow you to unknowingly download dangerous files containing viruses, they open your PC up to outside hackers and put you at risk of being busted by the RIAA if you start sharing copyrighted content.
You didn't mention the make/model of your PC - as well as how fast the processor is, amount of RAM and disk space. Also, if your PC came loaded with Vista Home - it does NOT have any antivirus software included (or possibly a limited "trial" version of Norton or McAfee). It's VERY important that you get a decent Internet Security program installed on your PC - I would suggest either McAfee Internet Security or Norton Internet Security. This will protect your PC from viruses, worms and internet attacks from outside users.
The other issue is your bf's ability to install dangerous software (LimeWire, Bittorrent, etc). If he is using YOUR account & Password to access this PC, you need to CHANGE your password to something he DOESN'T know - then create an account for HIM which is a "Limited" access account - NOT and "Administrator" account as "Administrator" access allows him to install software.
I would do the following:
1) Change your password to something only YOU know (Control Panel, User Accounts)
2) Create a new account for your BF - with "limited" access (NOT Administrator) (Control Panel, User Accounts)
3) Uninstall Limewire, Bittorrent and any unnecessary programs that you're not using (Control Panel, Applications...)
4) If you don't already have Norton Internet Security or McAfee Internet Security - purchase one of these (some ISP's like Comcast provide
them for free) and install it on your PC.
5) Perform a COMPLETE system scan for viruses and other threats.
6) Using the Windows Update feature - download and install any critical updates from Microsoft
7) Run a scandisk & defrag (usually found in the "Tools" tab when you right-click on Drive C then "Properties" in "My Computer"
8) Launch Internet Explorer and click on "Tools", "Manage Add-Ons" and disable any "Enabled" add-ons that you don't need or use
(be careful NOT to disable the add-ons for your anti-virus program (Norton or McAfee)
After you've done all of this - reply back and let us know if this helped.
- John