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Lol. I'm a retard

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  • Member
  • PipPipPip
  • 432 posts
So I was on car back from my cruise and I fell asleep listening to my music on my PSP. When I woke up, My headphones were still on my ears and my PSP was on the ground.

I immediately did a damage analysis and saw that nothing was damaged (A little crack was on the bottem of my PSP but that was already there)

When I got home, I decided to play Monster Hunter: Freedom (it was 2 in the morning.) but to my surprise, the disc would spin but not load!

I tried all sorts of things:

Restarting the PSP (full shutdown)
Reseting the PSP
Blowing air into the UMD slot
Blowing air into the UMD

And none of them worked.

I can't seem to locate any of my other games so it could just be MH:F.

Any advice would be helpful.
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  • Member
  • PipPipPip
  • 110 posts
Maybe you cold try another UMD ?
I hope for you it will work out!
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