FREE RAD Win32 Assembly Tool: RosAsm
http://www.rosasm.orgRosAsm, the Bottom-Up Assembler for ReactOS
(ReactOS, WINE, Windows 95/98, NT/2000, XP,...)
The easy way for writing full 32 Bits Applications in Assembly
RosAsm is free and GPLed.
IDE with full integration of all components. RosAsm is auto-compilable and the Sources are hosted inside the PEs. No installation overhead (the silent auto-install coming with makes RosAsm the only actual Click&Go Assembler environment).
Real Sources Editor with tons of unique features, specificaly devoted to secure editions and to huge mono-files assembly sources: Tree-view, instant jump to any type of declaration by simple right-click, division of the mono-files into TITLEs, advanced IncIncluder pre-parser, and so on...
The fastest of the actual assemblers, (1.5 Mega/second on a Celeron 1.3 Ghz...) directly outputting PE files on a simple click, with a powerful macros system (a macros unfolder is available by a double-click, through a float menu). Simplified Intel syntax. Does not need any include, prototype or header companion file. Nothing but a single simple source. Complete implementation of the mnemonics set, up to SSE2. RosAsm Bottom-Up Assembler is a true low level Assembler, enabling HLL writing styles by user defined macros and/or by HLL pre-parsers selections.
Selectable Pre-Parsers performing various tasks, like HLL expressions parsing, alternate syntaxes, Includes Managements, ...
Source level Debugger with a state-of-the-art memory inspector and very advanced features, like the dynamic break-points, that can be set/removed by simple clicks, as well as at write-time and/or at run-time, like with the most advanced HLLs. To run the Debugger, You simply click on Run and your application is running through the debugger. Any error (or break-point, enabling advanced stepping modes) is pointed out directly in your source code. Accurate messages are delivered on errors cases.
Disassembler. To date, RosAsm is the one and only two-clicks-disassembler-reassembler ever seen. It is, actually, fully effective on most small files and on many middle size applications: The dream tool for study and/or for porting your works to assembly.
Original Resources Editors, with control of matching styles, outputting as well resources, files, and memory templates.
Integrated Help system, with a complete 32 bits Assembly Tutorials, Opcode help, and RosAsm Manual (1.5 mega of documentation, grouping close to 600 organised rtf files).
Clip file system, for templates reuse.
Integrated OS Equates, and Structures files, saving from any boring include.
... and much more...
Take care that, as opposed to most RAD/IDEs, RosAsm does not attempt to impress you with multiple windows jumping all over the screen and with insistant features. Instead, RosAsm features implementations have always been made as discreet and as silent as possible, and the overall look-and-feel has always been made as naked and as simple as possible. Many implementations are optional, through the configuration tab.
Though RosAsm is the most accurate tool for learning the marvelous simplicity of Assembly - particulary since the inclusion of the Interactive Visual Tutorials - and though it is the easiest way to jump right into the true thing, it has been thought and designed, first, as a professional tool for real life applications programming in full assembly. Its final purpose is to compete with the current most commonly used HLLs, for serious applications writing. This goal will be achieved, in the near future, with the upcoming implementations of the Visual Components Designers (Wizards) and with the implementations of some Applications builders.