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Digital Cameras

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I'm checking out new point and shoot digital cameras for my trip to Universal Studios in April. I've come to the realization I don't need much more than an 8.0 megapixel (based on the mediums I use) camera. I'm looking for fast Shutter Speed and good optical zoom. Currently I have my eyes on the Nikon Coolpix S550. Anyone have any suggestions on cameras they've enjoyed?

Even more so, anyone purchase a Nikon recently?
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I'm not sure why you would need more than 8mp. If I were going to purchase a non-SLR camera, it would be the Olympus Stylus 770SW. This model is only 7.1 MP, but its indestructible. I have one at work and want one at home.

If you are serious about more than 8 MP, then there is the Olympus Stylus 1030SW. Its 10.1 MP, so it fits your criteria, but its still indestructible. As I said, we have one at work and its been through some serious torment. I know its been in a sink full of water, been dropped numerous times, and it still works perfectly. You should check them out.
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I like the point your make about the Olympus brands being more resistant to water, drops, etc. I would probably throw my Nikon in a travel case so I'm not too concerned. I tend to handle my equipment safely enough.

I'm not so concerned with the amount of mega pixels as I am it's Shutter Speed and the ability to catch a variety of shots. Relative to usage, I tend to use my camera a lot at concerts, so good night/dark shot quality is important. I'd also like good white balance effect options. Since I can't adjust lenses, built-in adjustments are a big plus. I agree 8 mega pixels is sufficient, I just liked the Shutter Speed options on this particular Nikon. Does anyone know if the Shutter Speeds can be manually adjusted. Is this common?

Forgive my ignorance, I'm trying to runaway from an old Kodak point and shoot.
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Hi there,

Sorry if this post is a little late... But I have a Nikon "point and shoot", as you call it, and I find it just fantastic. I don't know much about photography - you could say I'm a "point and shoot" user - but even a novice like me can pull out some great shots with it. A friend of mine recommended the Nikon name-brand over some others for my needs.

There's my two-cents worth. :)



EDIT: I just found it, mine's the Coolpix L6.

Edited by troy, 06 April 2008 - 04:06 PM.

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Decided on the Olympus FE340 in the end. Found it to have a nice view finder and excellent 5x optical zoom. I really enjoy the scene guide which allows me to choose different shutter and light options.

I wish it had a little more "geekability" in a sense. :) I can't set enough items manually. However, the presets available do a decent job adjusting shutter speeds appropriately.
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i used to be a camera promoter and really would strongly recommend the casio brand, if u looking for good zoom maybe the V8 would be great.but if it's good shots then either the canon Olympus which ScHwErV recommended.BTW cheers on the new camera.
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This is what I use and I love it.................

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