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How to get rid of alt-tab?

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  • PipPip
  • 17 posts
Alt-Tab has been annoying to me sometimes,
because when I play games and accidentally press them together, it shows up on my desktop, lagging the game.
Does anyone know a solution to get rid of or change the keys of Alt-Tab?

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    Founder Geek

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Prior to Windows Vista, there was an easy registry hack that would disable alt-tab. That registry key has been changed in Vista, and it no longer seems possible to disable it using the registry. This is not all bad, as it removes an easy way for virus and malware writers to keep their windows on top.

There are a couple of other options. Probably the best would be to look for a utility that allows you to disable alt-tab. It's still possible to disable the key combination using software coding, so a simple application would allow toggling it on and off. The other option would be to re-map the keys. However, that would alter the usefulness of either your alt or tab key, and I doubt you'd want to do that.
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