This is my first post here, REALLY helpfull site!
Anyways, i've been reading all over with not much luck-
I am trying to completely reset my computer. Not cause of errors or anything i just want it completely reset/restored to how when i first got it.
I own a Compaq Presario SR1215CL - http://www.xpbargain.....06AAR#ABA.htm
And after owning it for over 3 or so years, i have lost the recovery disc which i have used before in the same process of reseting it except this time i dont have it...
I have been refered to this guide many times which seems helpfull
Except i'm having trouble creating my own system recovery disk so i can go about doing this... What i want to make sure is - am i even on the right track or... am i just going in the wrong direction in trying to renew it. I'm on the computer right now that i want to renew, i have not done anythign to it yet... except print off important imformation such as things i need to remember to download when i get it up and going again, and backed up many important files and transfered my whole itunes library to an external (internal technically...but have turned it into an external sorta...) anyways. I have it all ready for being completely erased.
I DONT want to spend 34$, and have to wait 5 days.. or 3 ..or even 2 days... to do this i wish i had the time and money to do that - Thats how much the discs are everywhere, and i wanna try and get it done tonight or at least tomorrow if possible. I would REALLY appreciate any help at all heh ^_^ REALY would help me out alot.
I can't find norton ghost 6.0, i got some new version i downloaded just for the tutorial i found but it doesn't look a thing like the one used... and has no options for 'creating a partition' and whatnot... i'm a considerably big noob i guess. Any idea's on what i should do?
i also found this http://h10025.www1.h...n...260&lang=en
which shows me 3 possible options, but i'm not sure if this is even what i need... or if my system will let me create my own disk - i do have a dvd/cd burner, i sort of have nero (not sure if it completely works but we'll see..).
What should i do?
sorry for the essay....
Here is a picture of what appears on my screen... there is no option for creating discs -
Edited by h4rk4t, 03 April 2008 - 04:53 PM.