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Blue Screen of Death?

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:) Somewhere else on these boards I did say Vista was gone and that I wouldn't have it. Well, I have it. I'm curious as to how many people have come across some of these problems and what they did to correct them.

I have a Dell XPS420 Intel Duo 2 Core 3.0 with 500 GB HD, Nvidia GeForce 8800 GT, SB Xtreme, ATI Theater Pro 650 Combo tv tuner, 3 GB RAM, Vista Home Premium.

My problems began because I wanted to know why after 7-10 days a scheduled recording would record for either 31 minutes, 18 minutes etc and in the History file I would see that it stopped due to a temporary failure caused by either a system malfunction or a power loss and was stopped due to a lack of audio/video data. I had DirecTV send me another set top box and made sure my cables/svideo and such were in great shape and connected properly. Still the problem persisted. I've contacted Dell and they don't know why it's doing this. They suggested putting the system back to factory default settings. I spoke with Microsoft and they say doing that is not necessary but they don't know why it's doing that either. Now, I know I could just accept that this happens and on the 10th day just use my VCR to record. But I don't know, something inside just won't let me accept this defect(?) when it is suppose to do what Microsoft says it will do. However, Microsoft is being kind enough to try to help me get a solution to this issue.

BUT, (I knew better)

I followed the suggestion of Dell and put the system back to factory default settings and now ..........

I have a Linksys Wireless USB Adapter that has the correct drivers for Vista and prior to the restore it worked great.
I had Linksys help me put it back on. I am able to get online but if I go to CBS to watch Star Trek I get disconnected. I thought it was in internet provider until I clicked on the double computer icon to connect to a network and received the message that Windows could not find any connections or network(?). But, if I restart my computer then everything is fine. It will also happen if I have to wait along time for a web page to come up. (this probably means the adapter is bad) AT&T checked my connection and said it was all good. Anyone have this problem?

When Dell was helping me restore the system I got a blue screen and all I could read was that Windows had encountered a problem and shut down to protect my computer. I mentioned this to the tech but he didn't seem to think it was any big deal.

Today, I was researching on the interenet, lost the connection, tried clicking on the double computers and of course there were no connections to be found. So I restarted the computer. The monitor went black, cpu made an odd noise, monitor went into protected mode and after about a minute the blue screen came up and then windows started. A message box popped up saying Windows has recovered from an unexpected shutdown, Problem Event Name: BlueScreen; OS Version 6.0.6000.200.7683; Locale ID 1033; files that help describe the problem mini040408-d-dump;
WER-113272-0.sysdata.xml and WERE05F.tmp.version.txt. Anyone have this problem?

I have not installed any other software or hardware to the system. I haven't even activated any of the extra software that came with my system.

Thank you for any/all help.
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