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Display Driver Stopped Responding

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I recently bought a new computer in february. Its quite a beast and has worked perfectly since I got it. Well, just recently (2 days ago) it started freezing for about 5-10 seconds and then dropping me out of the game I'm playing (Dungeon Runners). Then I get an error that says Display Drivers Stopped Responding but have recovered. The first time it did it, it happened once all day. Then yesterday it started happening every time I turned the game on. And now, I cant play the game for more than 5 minutes before it crashes me again. I tried updating my drivers, I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game. Now I'm out of ideas and am freaking out hoping somethings not wrong with my new computer.
Can someone please help me figure out what is wrong.

Thanks in advance
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    Global Moderator

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Welcome to Geekstogo! First off, it would help if we knew a bit about your computer. Like what video card you have and perhaps the driver version.
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THanks for the quick response!

I have 2 nvidia geforce 8800gt's in sli, and I am using the driver version 169.25.

I have tried using all the drivers they have on the site to see if I could get rid of the problem. None of them seem to work, so I'm using the newest one now. What I cant figure out is how this just "popped up"...it never did this before, and I played this game for nearly a week before the first time it happened, and now I cant play at all.
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    The hippie freak computer geek

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Could you look in the Reliability monitor for any errors that where recorded at the time of the issue please.
  • Click the Start button.
  • Select Control panel.
  • Open Administrative Tools.
  • Open Reliability and performance.
  • Open Reliability monitor.
  • Look for a red circle with a white X in it.
  • Click on the red circle that is relitive to the error you are having.
  • Copy and paste the error information in your next post.

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Ok, as far as the errors themselves..it looks like the only thing showing up here, is when the game crashed because the drivers failed..

It wont let me copy and paste, so heres what it says

DungeonRunners.exe version stopped responding date 04/05/08
DungeonRunners.exe version stopped responding date 04/05/08
DungeonRunners.exe version stopped responding date 04/05/08
DungeonRunners.exe version stopped responding date 04/05/08
DungeonRunners.exe version stopped working date 04/05/08

Also, another thing i noticed on that screen, was that my system stability was nearly maxed since I got the computer, and then dropped off and started declining, the day I installed Vista Sp1. I had to do a system restore to get rid of sp1, because it isnt compatible with my sound card, and I had no sound.

Basically, every one of the app errors looks just like this.
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    The hippie freak computer geek

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Since the issue only happens when you are running DungeonRunners.exe I do not believe that this is a driver issue.
This is most likely a compatibility issue.
Please try right clicking the DungeonRunners program and select Properties.
Select Compatibility and check Run in XP (or something like that).
Unless this is an old game, you will not have to un in 256 colors.
You may have to turn off Aero while you play this game.
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I understand, I guess I probably should have clarified.

It started with DR, but any game I run now crashes, I've tried about 12 games now, and they all either crash with the same "DIsplay driver stopped.." message, or crash on startup.

And as Ive said, the thing that bothers me, is that this just started happening..never happened before a couple days ago.


I have tried turning off aero, and I also disabled SLI too, neither of which worked.

Edited by Boxybrown, 06 April 2008 - 03:03 PM.

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    The hippie freak computer geek

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Have you tried rolling back the driver for your video card?
  • Open device manager in control panel.
  • Right clik the video card (graphics adaptor).
  • Select properties.
  • Select drivers.
  • select roll back driver.

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Yes, I did, to no avail :)
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Ok, decided to try to install Vista Sp1 again, see if that helps...

I doubt it will tho
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    The hippie freak computer geek

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Is the computer sitting in a closed cabinet?
How long after you are playing the game(s) does it take for the error to happen?
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No its out in the open. and its pretty immediate.

If your wondering about cooling, its running at about 35 degrees
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    The hippie freak computer geek

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Do you know what changes, or updates, where made right before this started?
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    Tech Staff

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Hi Boxybrown...

I had a problem like this on one of my Vista machines for a while. I removed one of the video cards and the problem ceased. I have since installed SP1 without a problem. What brand motherboard do you have? Some older Asus boards have problems with SLI under Vista. The A8N-SLI series is one of them.

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I have the asus-m2n sli motherboard.

And thats the thing, no changes were made..i even did a restore to the day before it started happening to try and fix it..and nothing.

right now, I just reformatted to see if I can get it to work, if not, im gonna cough up the money and switch back to xp.
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