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System Configuration Utility at Windows Startup

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  • PipPip
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Hi everybody. I get the System Configuration message box every time I boot up. It seems to me that I had this problem previously with XP, also. The only foreseeable way to get it to not pop up is to enable all the items and restart twice, from what I have found searching around. There are items in the startup queue that I would like to keep disabled but I may want to use them once in a while. Is my only option to deal with this popup box and cancel it out every time I boot up or is there a trick to get around it? Thanks everybody. -J

Note: I have attached a screen capture, but most of you who know what I am talking about probably already know what I am talking about. Thanks again.

Attached Thumbnails

  • sysconfigutil.jpg

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With the "Don't show........" option ticked then clicking "OK", that should suppress the message box from popping up anymore on subsequent reboots.
If that does not suppress it you should set mscongfig back to 'Normal Startup' (all startup items enabled) and use Windows Defender instead to control startup items:

Microsoft does not recommend using msconfig in Vista to stop startup items from loading except for temporary trouble-shooting purposes.
They recommend using Windows Defender if you just want to disable a startup item for your own preference. See this page:
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