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Note: I don't know if the links below work, but advise against clicking them.

Ok, so talking to a friend on the 'net they sent me a message

hey, is this really your pic?! :S
NEVER post potentially dangerous links - removed

(Note, my E-Mail was in place of ABCD)

So, this being a friend, I click the link, and download the picture

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After nothing happening after clicking the picture a [bleep] load of times, nothing happens. So I say to her, "The Pic Dosn't Work". She then replys,

hey, is this really your pic?! :S
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I say, "No, you just asked that." to which she replys,

hey, is this really your pic?! :S
NEVER post potentially dangerous links - removed

I didn't think much of it at the time, like mabey she is just being anoying.

The next day, I go on MSN and a friend (different friend then before) says "Hey" and without me typing, I reply...

hey, is this really your pic?! :S
NEVER post potentially dangerous links - removed

(Note, HER E-Mail was in place of EFGH)

By this time, i'm like "[bleep]". I try to delete the file I got, then much to my horror. I got a popup...



Edited by sari, 17 April 2008 - 04:30 PM.

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You're in GeekU, what do you think you ought to do? Is this where we would advise someone to post if they may have been infected with malware?
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If you still have the file, please upload it: http://www.uploadmalware.com
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