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Does Vista have any redeeming qualities against XP?

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I currently have Vista installed (I upgraded a day back to see if it was bad as everyone says). Is there something I'm not seeing? Thus far it seems like I should just stick with XP, I have a good computer too... Mostly everything seems to run slower on Vista. I can't seem to find benchmarks that prove otherwise. Are there any redeeming qualities of Vista (not related to the GUI)? Any reason I should stick with Vista?
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I must admit I very much like the start-search-function inbedded in vista, for the rest it would indeed asume to be a more secure environment and atleast it gives you more options to work with for and concering security.

Wether to having it slow down is indeed generaly known and the fact you upgraded to check wether it is so or not should now have made that obvious :)

Wether you should like vista or not is still up to personal taste, I didn't like it in the beginning and am again thinking about upgrading because I tend to miss some features compaired to my XP!
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    The hippie freak computer geek

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Besides the great search feature, the user account control gives a level of protection that XP does not.
I am not saying that it is 100% secure, nothing is, but it is more secure that older OS.
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Besides the great search feature, the user account control gives a level of protection that XP does not.
I am not saying that it is 100% secure, nothing is, but it is more secure that older OS.

I have UAC turned off :)
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