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My Dad's Computer problem

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Nvm, next time i would prefer if someone would inform me of a move so i don't go all crazy..

please close/delete

Edited by Rocknrollcows, 27 April 2008 - 03:09 PM.

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Rocknrollcows, as a staffmember, it is expected that you would start a thread in the correct forum. The Discussion Forums are not for specific computer problems and the heading for the Technical Forum specifically states "Science, technology, tech news, sci-fi and other geeky things". If you post in the correct place then the mods don't go all crazy having to move your topic.

Edit: As well Rocknrollcows, you can find any topic that has been moved by simply going into "My Controls", Subscriptions, View Topics and click on the thread you are looking for and you will see where it is located.

Edited by frantique, 27 April 2008 - 07:51 PM.

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I moved your topic. I move many topics that are posted in the wrong place, and I don't inform the users. I can't take the time PM everyone who posts in the wrong place. As Fran said, you should be aware of where topics should be posted - why do you think we have all of those forums marked Hardware, Software, Operating Systems, etc.??
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