The criteria that the camera must meet.
-Total cannot exceed $1000 (this total would include a lens and camera). I'll be buying it in canada, but canadian prices are essentially the same as american prices these days.
-I want a minimum of 10MP for photo manipulation and photo enlargements.
-Automatic functions would be nice, but not needed (I want this so that I can use the camera as I learn the ropes of DSLR, though I'm pretty sure this is a standard feature)
-MUST support the RAW photo format
-Support a live view LCD
-Cannot be Sony, I really don't like their overpriced flash cards.
-Image stabilization
Camera's I'm considering at the moment.
Canon EOS Rebel XSi 450D (only one camera that I can find that'll meet all of my criteria)
In addition to the above, anyone know of any good macro lens?
I'll fully admit I'm a n00b when it comes to photography, but I cannot stand the limitations of point and shoot cameras any more. My largest annoyance is the limitations and low quality photos in low light situations.
Edited by james_8970, 08 May 2008 - 01:35 PM.