I recently just installed windows vista ( about 20 minutes age actually

). The only issue I have with it, so far, is that it's not allowing my full screen resolution for some reason. I installed the Vista drivers for my graphics card ( Radeon 1950 Pro ), but I am only seeing the available resolution up to 1024x768. When I had windows xp installed I had higher resolutions available. With the monitor I have, 1024x768 does not look correct, I need a resolution available above 1024 as my windows xp install allowed.
Is this a limitation of Windows Vista? Or.....
Just to add, when I open up Catalyst it is only showing up to 1024 resolution as well. I have a 17' monitor, I should be able to choose 1280 as a resolution. I must be missing something :/
Edited by unstablefears, 08 May 2008 - 11:24 PM.