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Blue collar/White collar

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  • PipPipPip
  • 133 posts
I wish people would realize how hard and important blue collar work is. It is virtually the backbone of our society. There are a lot of blue collar jobs that I wouldn't do in spite of the good pay and benefits I would earn. In my hometown there are a lot of white collar employees that are upset with the pay the GM employees receive. I work as plant security at one the GM sites, and I can tell you first hand those people work their butts off! My friends ask me would I still pursue my Economics degree if GM offered me a core job and I emphatically say yes! People should also realize that there are many blue collar jobs that require just as much if not more education and training than some white collar jobs. Take an electrician for example. An apprentice is required to log in 8000 class room/work hours before he/she receives their journeyman's card. I believe it takes 4000 more to become a master. So just because your job title didn't come with a fancy degree, it does not mean it isn't meaningful. Note: The inner geek in me found it very difficult not to make a lame Star Wars joke at the mention of apprentices and masters above. But what is a geek site without a few SW references? :)
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