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Dual Boot Problem: Putting XP on Pre Installed Vista

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Navy Seal

Navy Seal


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Im trying to dual boot XP on to my pre isntalled vista, however, everytime i go to boot from the xp cd i get the "blue screen of death" error.

System Specs:
Dell XPS 410
MS Windows Vista SP1
Intel Core2 CPU 6700 @ 2.66GHz, 2.0GB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GTS
288GB Hard Drive

When i create the new volume to partition xp to, i put the Shrink Volume at vista to 10000. Is that to high, to low, or a good amount given my system specs?
Anyway, i go through all the steps to create the dual boot, i restart my computer, hit F12 to go to the boot option, boot from the CD, came to the screen where it said press F6 for whatever drives, skipped that, and then let all the stuff install. So once everything installed, my screen goes to the "blue screen of death" with the error: Stop: 0x0000007B. I never got to choose the partition to install XP to, so i had to just keep restarting my computer cause it froze at the blue screen. I was wondering if someone would be able to help me out to fix this, and be able to complete the dual boot for XP. Thanks in advance!
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Check this link out...it might help

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Navy Seal

Navy Seal


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thanks smiley but that didnt really work out!

could anyone else offer any suggestions?
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Navy Seal

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I actually had a similar issue on a friend's computer.

It turned out to be that one of the RAM sticks was a bit faulty. Here's what I did...

1) Removed 1 RAM stick at a time, until BSOD [Blue Screen of Death] did not appear.
2) Installed XP on the partition I needed.
3) (This may not work for you) I replaced [put back in] the RAM stick.

So far the computer is running fine.
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Navy Seal

Navy Seal


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i actually ended up getting xp on my system, but ya ive had to do that before with just windows xp. thanks for the help though!
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It may be a little bit late but this is a good read for you.

http://neosmart.net/...umentation Home

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Navy Seal

Navy Seal


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i got everything up and running but thanks for your help anyway!

my only problem now is that i have to go to the setup utilty menu everytime and change the sata drive to RAID ON for vista and RAID Autodetect/ATA to boot XP. its not really that much of a pain to do it, but id like to be able to just boot right into vista or xp without doing that. any suggestions?
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Navy Seal

Navy Seal


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on top of my other question about being able to boot into xp/vista without changing the RAID feature...i got another question to. when i was creating a new partition for xp, i was only allowed to create a 31GB hard drive for the partition. i have a 256GB partition for vista. it wont let me shrink anymore memory off of vista and extend the xp partition. does anyone know how i can be able to get more memory off of the vista partition and add to xp partition?
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    motto - Just get-er-done

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If you have to change the raid settings to boot into a different OS then you must have changed the setting when you installed XP. So now each OS thinks it must have specific settings to run. It looks like you need to redo everything again.

Another problem is you may have installed the fat 32 version of XP on the computer. That is the one thing known about XP. It automatically will only make a 32 gig partition if you are using the FAT 32 file system. If you were going to use NTFS as the partition file system, you could make the partitions any size you want. Early on when XP first came out i use a win ME floppy disk to format large hard drives to fat 32. Then i could install XP and still be able to use the full hard drive. Now i do not use the FAT 32 file system anymore as its just not as stable as the NTFS file system.

install XP before Vista

Install XP after Vista


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