System Specs:
Dell XPS 410
MS Windows Vista SP1
Intel Core2 CPU 6700 @ 2.66GHz, 2.0GB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GTS
288GB Hard Drive
When i create the new volume to partition xp to, i put the Shrink Volume at vista to 10000. Is that to high, to low, or a good amount given my system specs?
Anyway, i go through all the steps to create the dual boot, i restart my computer, hit F12 to go to the boot option, boot from the CD, came to the screen where it said press F6 for whatever drives, skipped that, and then let all the stuff install. So once everything installed, my screen goes to the "blue screen of death" with the error: Stop: 0x0000007B. I never got to choose the partition to install XP to, so i had to just keep restarting my computer cause it froze at the blue screen. I was wondering if someone would be able to help me out to fix this, and be able to complete the dual boot for XP. Thanks in advance!