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I want to run Ubuntu as well as Vista

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I run Vista. I want to run Ubunt on a seperate hard drive I have. I'm not sure of the proccess that entails this I just need some help.

I've seen my brother using it and I liked what I saw and now I thought it would be handy/fun if I had both vista and ubuntu.

Should I just run the live CD? I don't really know what I'm doing...

I have an Acer Apsire 5720z. It came with a partitioned hard drive. Should I just remove what little ammount of things I have on my Non-system drive and run the live CD is the question, I guess.
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Hi there Chafmere and welcome to Geeks To Go

What you need to do is boot off the live cd and go through the live installation. When you come to the partitining part make sure it is set to your other hard drive then continue with the installation.

The best way I would do this to achieve this is to tempory unplug the main hard drive so all you have in there is the blank hard drive, insert the Ubuntu live cd and boot off it, let it load up then goto the live install. When you come to the partitining part make sure its set to as high as can be (you'll see what I mean when you get there, examples are below) change a few settings around such as time, date, language, keyboard layout etc.... and continue with the installation, once it is installed please restart your machine.

Example partitions in megabytes

1024 = 1gb
2048 = 2gb
3072 = 3gb
4096 = 4gb

So if you have a 80gb hard drive and set the partition to be 4096mb you will only get a 4gb partition and from my experience it will only show in linux as a 4gb partition however you can always resize this later.

I hope that helps.
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Thanks I'll see what happens. I can't remove hard drives because t's a laptop but I think that part about partitioning will help.
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Just keep in mind.

If you are installing Ubunutu, you can choose where you wish to install at the installation menu (after you click install on the Desktop). Make sure you choose the correct disk. If you are going to use the whole thing - choose, Use Entire Disk.

Just as a precautionary, have a backup of Vista prior to installing Ubuntu.

I think you'll enjoy it.
(PS - For some extra fun, try KUbuntu.)
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