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Computer Shuts Down Then Automatically Starts Up Again

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Murray S.

Murray S.

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Okay.. I want you to try a little experiment.

Boot into Safe Mode.

Once fully loaded, shut the system down. Maybe do this in the evening or when you are going out.

Does the computer stay off?

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@Murray, hey mate, didn't get that far, just pulled out the USB adapter and shutdown the system and guess what - it stays off!

must be something to do with the wake settings i couldn't find for the USB adapter, have looked in the bios for anything saying 'wake on usb device' or something to that effect.

i don't mind having to pull it out evertime i shutdown - suppose thats the easiest solution?

thanks for ur help tho mate, any suggestions as to how i could avoid taking it out everytime i shutdown?
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Murray S.

Murray S.

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Nothing right off hand unless you have a setting in the USB portion of Device manager or BIOS.

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nah there's nothing on the BIOS about turning computer on with a USB device
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I had this same screwy deal. :) Did a clean install from scratch on a Dell 8400. The loaded Vista upgrade. Loaded up my usual starting software, Norton Internet Security, MS Office Word, Excel, etc, Cable modem ethernet connection.

The machine worked OK, I thought. But when I did a normal shutdown, the machine stared up after just a few seconds, looked like a normal restart/reboot. This occurred both when shutting down fom the Start menu>> Shutdown, or when pushing the power button on the front of the machine. Unplugging trhe CPU yeilded the same results. On every restart, I got the black screen, with Start in Safe Mode, Start Normally, etc. I tried Start Windows Normally several times, and once tried Start Windows in Safe mode. Always started OK from there. But would continue withits restart antics. :) :)

I then performed a number of actions, including brushing and vacuuming all the dust on the inside of the cabinet, Cleaning the outside of the cabinet, and spraying a good dose of electronic spray cleaner to the start button, both from outside the switch and on the back of the switch, I dropped some unwanted startup programs with a Start Menu search for mscofig. Don't recall which one. I might have done some other things that I can't recall at the moment.

Now something fixed the deal. I have succesfully shutdowwn several times, without a single case of the errant restart. It could have been one/more than one/all of my actions that got 'er dun. :) It could have been it fixed itself, or it could be a nasty the comes for a while, dissapears, then come back again. I don't konw.

But for those who have seen this oddity, hope is on the horizon. Just keep trying the possible fixes.
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