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.AVI File error

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Hi Guys,

I downloaded a video file from a torrent downloader site. The file is in AVI format but whenever I try to run it using Windows Media Player, it states that the codec is not supported even though it acquires the proper codec. I tried using the Nero ROM Video player and it states that it cannot encode MPEG-4 in the current version and asks me to buy the current version of Nero to enable this encoding. I have tried changing the name of the file to MPEG or WMA but it didn't work. I tried using a software called Riva FLV encoder as it can encodes files into different formats. This did not help eiter. Should I try to turn the file into a RAR file? or Should I try to tunr this file into a ISO type file so that the DVD player can play it?

Can anybody please suggest any ideas to run this file or any software that might render this file playable on my cvurrent media players. I have a Windows XP SP2 Operating software and it is all the current updates. The Windows media player is all upto date. Please suggest something. Thanks in advance.

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For the information of the moderators, I have read teh forum rules and this file is not a pirated movie title or a television series. Its a file containing footage of my rlelatives living overseas in America who uploaded the file at a torrent site and I downloaded it for family records. Thanks

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VLC will play the file for you.
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