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exe problem

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when ever i try to open a exe it opens as IE explorer its been like this for a few days and cant find out how to fix please help xD
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Bob Simmons

Bob Simmons

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Has the exe file extension accidentally been associated with Internet Explorer on your computer? If you open up My Computer and look at Folder Options you can get a list of extension associations. Check if "exe" is on this list and if it says "Internet Explorer" as tje program to run
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im im folder options and i dont see a list of file end things xD
(not that good with comps)
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Bob Simmons

Bob Simmons

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I assumed your Windows Vista worked the same as Windows XP (which I use) in this area. I apologize.

I read this question and went "huh?". But you're absolutely right; the file association dialog that we've come to love and hate that's been part of Windows Explorer is no longer there.

The question, of course, is where did it go? To a more logical place perhaps, but with nary a clue as to how to find it.

File associations are used to tell Windows what program opens what kind of file. For example after you install Microsoft Office, file associations tell Windows that a ".doc" file should be opened by Microsoft Word.

In the past when we've needed to view or modify these settings, we'd fire up Windows Explorer, click on Tools, Folder Options... and then the File Types tab. Only one problem on Vista: it's not there:

On Vista we instead open up Control Panel:

Click on Programs:

Finally we see something that sounds appropriate. Click on Make a file type always open in a specific program:

It'll take a few seconds to load up as it scans the registry for all the settings to be displayed. Once loaded, you can then change which programs open which file types.

You can look at the attached pdf file to see the instructions with diagrams.

Check to see if "exe" has been associated with a specific program.

Let me know what you find.

Attached Files

  • Attached File  ft.pdf   181.83KB   272 downloads

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