A few days ago, I was surfing on the net. Then it all statrted, Icons started poping up that I had been infected by a virus. Advaced Anti virus noted a attach had been detected. Other Icons have been hitting me from Antispyware. One of particular concern, noted that adult content had been detected on my computer. I'm not a computer guru but when these icons started asking for money to fix tghe problem I knew I was in trouble. I am also getting Icons stating I am infected with Malware ? As time has passed the Popups are getting worse, at one point I had around 60 at one time!
The first thing I did was head for the control pannel. To make things better I cant open it. When I try to open it a icon pops up that states windows explorer has stopped working. a few momunts pass and anther Icon tells me Windows Explorer is restarting.
So far I purchased norton antivirus 08 w/spyware. I installed it last night and it removed some "threats." thing is I still am having the same problems.
Can someone direct me what to try next. I am really scared this is going to get expensive fast.

Thank you for your time