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Black screen Vista won't load

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I downloaded a new application recently. Computer froze. Had to push the power button off/on. Initially I got the option screen, either 'load windows normally' or 'repair than start'. 'Repair than start' would just loop and do nothing. 'Load windows normally' would start loading and just give a black screen, I never saw the windows logo flash and continue on. I pulled out my reinstallation cd and tried to repair. Same scenario in that it attempts to start and ends up with a black screen. I'm afraid to install from scratch and lose about a months worth of pictures as I haven't been consistent with my backups on my external storage drive. OH! That's another thing, I thought I had auto backups on my D drive but when I attempted a system restore from my reinstallation cd it said there were none to locate on the machine. It does not show you an option on where to point to the D drive.

Anyone know what's going on and how to fix? I have had nothing but problems with Vista, my software warranty is expired with Dell so they won't help. I hate Vista!!!!

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Your 'D' drive is your OS. It's very small and was not meant to use for backups. It is Dell's OEM partition for Windows Vista.

If you have made recovery disks (installation disks), then you probably need to use them to re-install Vista.
Once you've re-installed your OS (operating service), you will (hopefully) see a folder that says 'Windows.old'. Don't delete it. Look in every nook and cranny for your saved work and pictures.

Edited by Jacee, 24 July 2008 - 07:37 PM.

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I don't know if this will help you, but it's worth a try:
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In looking at that article...
I have 2 disks one reinstallation cd and another 'windows anytime upgrade' cd. Based on Dell article: 316580-Restoring Dell Factory Image I should be able to do a PC Restore from either of the cd's. HOWEVER, the path they point me to doesn't exist on either cd!!! There is no windows\system32\tools directory. Only wbem and still no 'tools' or 'pcrestore' in there either!
Do you know anything about that?
I have attempted the repair many times to no avail.

I am trying every avenue before I have to do a total reinstall. Do you know for sure there will be a windows.old folder?

I can get to the C drive from a dos command prompt. Would you know how I can get to the application that 'add and remove programs' ???? If I can execute that just MAYBE I can see it and remove the last installed application that messed up my machine - oh please, oh please!
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Here is a DOS tutorial, maybe you can look at this and find a way to delete it.

Also, if you can get to C:\Drive from a command prompt, can you get to Windows\System32\..... scroll down and find rstrui.exe Posted Image

"system restore"
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Found the file: rstrui.exe
do I type it to execute?
what will it do? is it going to restore from factory settings? will it still have the windows.old folder?

I'll await next steps before doing anything...Thanks!
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Further instructions:

Edit >>> if this works, it should restore your computer to an earlier date when you weren't having problems.

Edited by Jacee, 25 July 2008 - 01:40 PM.

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Did not work, it tries to launch windows and gets up to the point of the black screen, never bring up an application.

Another question. Since I can get to files on the c drive via dos prompt. Is there a way I can move my 'picture' folder to the d drive? Or will it recognize if I plug in an external drive to copy files to?

I'm drawing straws here....
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AaacK! I wouldn't even try to move your pictures to the D:\ partition. See if you can copy them to a DVD-RW.
I have no idea what will happen if you try to plug in an external device. It will either work, or it won't.

BTW, your Windows\System32\tools directory... might be in "All Programs", then "Administrative Tools". Can you find the Administrative tools? If you can, click on System Configuration, then the 'tools' tab and see if 'repair' is anywhere in that list. (I know that Restore is on it)

I have a custom built machine, so I don't have any partitions... two 500 GB hard drives.

I'm not doing too well at helping you get to where you need to go. :)
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Chick, see how to make an ISO recovery disk from this page:
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That ISO recovery disk is exactly what I already have and tried. I tried again, no difference.

The machine does recognize when I plug in my external hard drive. However I can't find a dos command to copy an entire directory. That basic tutorial didn't have 'copy for a directory' only a single file.

I also was trying to find either the executable for control panel or administrative tools and I'm not sure what it's called or where it's hidden. Without seeing a vista file directory in front of me I'm clueless on what executable I'm looking for or what folder it's in.

I can find my 'user' folder and just would like to copy it over to my external hard drive.
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Here's the path:
C:\Program Data\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs

Administrative Tools
Accessories <---- "System Tools" are in this folder
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Thanks for the attempt but I don't have that path, we must not be setup the same. I looked in both my program files and windows directory and could not locate 'start menu' or 'administrative'.


How about the dos copy command to copy an entire directory?
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Here is just a basic DOS tutorial....I'll look around and see if I can find what you need
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Here's another list. You can use a dos command to copy one directory to another...
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