Interesting problem / discovery.
I posted here about a month ago and received excellent advice to fix malware. Then I posted about a Vista issue which was so broad i think it was hard to diagnose. Basically, Vista would freeze within 1 - 20 minutes of booting the system and I would lose all system response. I was convinced it was software and not hardware related although many people told me to get the motherboard checked.
Anyways, I received alternative advice to weed through the Administrative Services because I could boot the system in safe mode with no issue at all. After dozens of reboots and service enabling and disabling, I finally isolated "Windows Search" to be the culprit. Currently I am in normal mode with every service except "Windows Search" enabled. To test my theory, I booted in normal mode with only the necessary services (ie those running in safe mode) along with "Windows Search" enabled, and to my delight, the system froze, over and over again. I've most recently had no problem running windows whatsoever with "Windows Search" disabled.
I really hope that makes sense, i tried to explain the best I could. but anyways, I not sure where to go from here... My system is technically booting on a "Selective Startup" and I would like to either update "Windows Search," delete it all together (I'm not sure of its importance), or just permenantly disable it. Any expert advice or knowledge would be appreciated. Thank you much!