Ive got a great one here. Ive spent so much time on this machine, i am not completly lost on what to do.
Basically i had a machine on windows xp, im not sure what happened but then when i booted it via safe mode it used to stop after gagp30kx.sys, so then i tried to update my bios which was unsucsseful, but then miraculously whilst using another harddrive in the computer ran, i was able to back up all the important information, i then took out the other hd and installed a fresh copy of vista all of which went smoothly i replugged in the other hd and put all the info back and installed office, it was perfect, i then changed some of the graphics options on the bios and hey presto problem is back, but now i cant get it to do anything.
Ive cleared the cmos, and only when i hit f2 (load defulats) will it continue to boot, if i for example hit f1 and go to bios and change nothing but save and exit then the problem will be back. When it happens the hd restarts, i know this becase of the noise it makes, so now if i hit f2 and get to the safemode option the computer will mostlikely stop at crcdisk.sys and i have waited for over 2 hours at this stage but i get nothing. im almost certain its not a hd problem, but something to do with the bios, so if any1 knows what i can do to change the bios. also, when i hit f2 what are those default values, ive tried to ruun optimal and fail safe via bios but still the same problem. Sorry for the long message
Any help would b appretiated