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Buying a dedicated server

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Ok im about to purchase a dedicated server from this site but when i click sign up https://www.ovh.co.u...s/kimsufi08.xml it askes me what operating system what exactly does that mine or the one i want i was gonna choose remote desktop but i got no clu bewteen that and windows xp 2003 anyone help me =P

This is what it exactly says
Choose a type of operating system <<<HEader

Choice per feature<<one of the lists
1.Hosting: Web / Emails / VPN / VoIP --Release 2, Release 1, Linux Plesk 8.4, Linux Plesk 8.0, Cpanel, Extranet Group Work, Easy Streaming, Windows Plesk 8.1

2.Experts: raw distro-- Debian : Etch Stable, Ubuntu Server 8.04, Open Suse 10.2, Fedora Core, CentOS, Gentoo, Slackware, Free BSD, Windows 2003 Pro, Windows 2003 Basic

3.Virtualization---VMWare, Xen, Proxmox

4.Remote desktop---Ubuntu Desktop 8.04

Choice per distribution<<<Second list
1.Linux---Release 2, Release 1, Linux Plesk 8.4, Linux Plesk 8.0, Cpanel, Extranet Group Work, Easy Streaming, Ubuntu Desktop 8.04, Debian : Etch Stable, Ubuntu Server 8.04, Open Suse 10.2, Fedora Core, CentOS, Gentoo, Slackware, VMWare, Xen, Proxmox

2.Windows---Windows 2003 Pro, Windows 2003 Basic, Windows Plesk 8.1

3.Free Bsd---Free BSD
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gmanpopinjay, you are double posting here. You already started a topic in Off-Topic forum three and a half hours before posting this exact copy. Please do not double post. This thread is closed.
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