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how much ram does your svchost use?

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  • PipPip
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svchost is constantly using between 120-150 mb of ram, i was wondering how much it uses for you guys

(i have 4gb of ram and im on vista home premium)

what is it doing that requires so much.. i thought it was just used to manage DLLs which are really small right?
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    motto - Just get-er-done

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Well, i keep my computer's as clean as possible with the least amount of software i need to run each computer. That said, i have 11 processes of SVCHOST running using 61 MB or ram, with only firefox open right now. One process is using 40 MB of ram.

To view which services are currently running under svchost.exe

1. Open Task Manager by right-clicking the taskbar and then clicking Task Manager.
2. Click the Processes tab.
3. Click Show processes from all users. Administrator permission required If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
4. Right-click an instance of svchost.exe, and then click Go to Service(s). The services associated with the process are highlighted on the Services tab.

I'm using Vista premium with 2 gigs of ram on this computer with Avast AV running.

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  • PipPip
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oh thanks, didnt know i could do that. Most of the services are windows things that i probably shouldent disable and superfetch so i guess that explains it.

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