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Videos on My Sony Handy Cam

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I have a Sony Handy Cam and often post to Youtube. I'd really like to be able to edit some of these videos before I Post them online, but every time I try to import a video In Windows Movie Maker I get the following message:

C:\Documents and Settings\Username\My Documents\My Videos\videoname.MPG could not be imported. An interface has too many methods to fire events from

This happens with every video I shoot on my Handy Cam. Is there a compatibility issue here? Is there a way to convert these video files into a format WMM can work with?

Or alternately, is there any free Video Editing software that will work with my MPG format?

Thanks alot!

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Bump for an eventual answer.
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    Je suis Napoléon!

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you are correct! the handy cam images are NOT compatible with windows movie maker....which is a big pain in the butt

what i use is MediaCoder...it's free and can convert pretty much any media file to any other media file....what i usually do is convert my handycam DVD (i've got the DVD kind) directly to wmv and then i can get it to go right into movie maker
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Ok, thanks. Let me try that.
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I'm trying to convert my video files, but it keeps stopping on me saying "Thread is being blocked." Maybe I just dont have a good understanding of the user interface. Having to go and set up your preferences online seems to be a hassle. Know what I'm doing wrong?
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    Je suis Napoléon!

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...yeah the main complaint on that program is that it's a VERY steep learning curve...it's useful once you figure it out though

one thing i do know is that you have to make sure that there isn't anything else running...and converting straight from the camera is a no go...the file has to be located on your computer or from the DVD...

where are you trying to convert from?
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I'm converting from a video folder in my documents folder. the only other thing i have running is an instant messenger and this website.

Well i tried again to convert. I now converted it to a a file only media coder seems to recognize.

If you can run me step-by-step on how to convert my video file into a WMV that would be very helpful.
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    Je suis Napoléon!

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with media coder...the first thing i do is click the add button in the top left and browse to the location that i'm trying to convert...in your case if you're converting something that's already a media file you'd add a file....when i convert a dvd i add a track and select the DVD...

then on the audio tab:
i choose windows media audio as the encoder
original in resample
channel original
audio id 128
and gain 0db
then check the box for enable audio and auto select

for video tab:
800 kbps
format windows media
container default
and check enable video then auto select for source and encoder

everything else stays default...then i press start and it generally runs through the video frame by frame and converts
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It started, but then it said "the encode thread seems to be blocked." after that it won't encode anymore.
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