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Limited or No Connectivity

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A lot of the network issues we see are the "Limited or No Connectivity" issues. Most of the times these issues are simple to solve, however sometimes there's a little trick to it. I will give you some some simple methods to try and fix this problem. If these self-help steps don't work, you can always post on the forum and get more detailed help.

The very first thing to do is try to do a so called 'release/renew' which will renew your connection with the gateway.
The following list will show you how to do so.
  • Go to Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt
    (Vista users will have to right click "Command Prompt" and run it as administrator)
  • A black box will appear. Type in: ipconfig /release
  • After it is done releasing. Type in: ipconfig /renew
  • This should renew your connection with your gateway.
If the 'release/renew' steps above don't fix the problem, then you can try something that is referred to as 'Power Cycling' your modem.
To do this do the following:
  • Turn off all computers connected to the router
  • Unplug the power cord from the back of the modem and the router
  • Wait at least 5 minutes
  • Plug in the power cord into the Modem and wait at least one minute for it to initialize
  • Plug in the power cord into the Router and again wait at least one minute for it to initialize.
  • Power on one computer and try to connect to the Internet with it.
  • If the one computer can connect to the Internet, then you can start turning on the other computers one-by-one and checking their Internet connection.

If these 2 simple steps won't work, then there might be something more going on.
In this case you can post on the forums and can request detailed help.


Edited by Artellos, 04 September 2008 - 12:35 PM.

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We used to get this a lot until I assigned 192.168.0.x numbers to each unique computer on our network which solved the problem. Release / Renew did the trick in the interim, sometimes even right clicking the icon in the tray and selecting 'diagnose and repair' used to work although this was less reliable.
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We used to get this a lot until I assigned 192.168.0.x numbers to each unique computer on our network which solved the problem. Release / Renew did the trick in the interim, sometimes even right clicking the icon in the tray and selecting 'diagnose and repair' used to work although this was less reliable.

Sounds like your router wasn't set to DHCP mode.
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Um, what exactly happens if you don't turn off your computer before unplugging the modem? I have an all-in-one package, so my phone goes through it too. I use my laptop and the main computer, but if I download something big, or multiple things, it stops working. Me and my friend devised a (most likely incorrect) theory, that the modem's cache saves the downloads and fills up. It probably empties slowly over time, but cannot keep up with multiple downloads. To fix this, I found out that all I have to do is unplug the modem's power cord and let it sit for a few minutes before plugging it back in. Is this potentially harmful?
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Unpluging the router for 5 minutes then connecting again would be the course. :)
I remember, when I had Att system and I had some connectivity issues this was not uncommon purcedure requested.

I like this procedure of Release / Renew, when and if this problem arises, I'll give it a whirl.

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Um, what exactly happens if you don't turn off your computer before unplugging the modem? I have an all-in-one package, so my phone goes through it too. I use my laptop and the main computer, but if I download something big, or multiple things, it stops working. Me and my friend devised a (most likely incorrect) theory, that the modem's cache saves the downloads and fills up. It probably empties slowly over time, but cannot keep up with multiple downloads. To fix this, I found out that all I have to do is unplug the modem's power cord and let it sit for a few minutes before plugging it back in. Is this potentially harmful?

Unplugging the power to the modem won't do anything harmful. I turn off my modem every night and have never run into trouble.

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Hey guys I am new to the forum. Ok a few days back I went to go on my computer and find out I was unable to get myself online. Figured it was a deal where the main computer in the other room was not online as well but it was. FYI I am using a roter hard wiring both computers with an ethernet cable. I noticed after power cycling as well as restarting the computer I got an error message reading:

There is an IP address conflict with another system (which would be my computer) in the network.

After power cycling the modem, router, etc as suggested by others I tried ipconfig/release and ipconfig/renew. Trying either gave me this message:

The operation failed since there is no adapter in the state permissible for this operation.

I checked for viruses and nothing shoed up. Everything else on the computer is work9ing perfectly fine, nothing has slowed down except for the fact that i am now unable to get online.

I even tried system restoring my computer back a week only to recieve the same message regarding the IP address conflict. I am virtually out of ideas now. Anyone I asked gave me these ideas and nothing worked. A friend directed me to this site. If this doesn't work I have no choice but to bring it to a computer repair shop and I'd rather not have to. Thanks for your help in advance.


Edited by Rockambition, 19 February 2009 - 12:19 PM.

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Hello Rockambition,

Your router is not giving your computers valid (or perhaps the same) IP Addresses which causes a conflict and the result would be that you won't have any network.
If you know how, check your Router's DHCP for the address pool and make sure it can distribute IP addresses. Another way would be to set static IP addresses (but this can be a pain).

If you need detailed help with this, please make a new post in the Networking forum and they will be able to help you.

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I am also having problems with the Limited or No Connection

Hello, I work on an offshore ship and I am having some problems. Here is a rundown of the scenario

I have brand new Compaq Presario, with Windows Vista. When I unplug my ethernet cable from my desktop in my office and plug it into my laptop, it says Limited or No Connection. But get this, I tried the LAN cable in 3 other rooms on the ship and it worked fine and I got online. Here are the only variables. The 4 other lines that I connected to ran straight to the networking router on the ship. The line that runs to my desktop (the one that will not work for my laptop), is split and shared with another computer in my office (It is a Dell running Windows XP Professional). Could that be the problem? I know it can not be the computer because it works fine in other places on the ship.

Should I try to unplug the line running to the other computer in the office and try it? What are your thoughts. I have tried advice from various forums such as:

Turning off firewalls
Disable and Enable the connection
Running a Repair

Any thoughts would be appreciated

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Hello Harley1983,

The line that runs to my desktop (the one that will not work for my laptop), is split and shared with another computer in my office (It is a Dell running Windows XP Professional). Could that be the problem?

Yes, it could be. I think your spot on, actually.

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A lot of the network issues we see are the "Limited or No Connectivity" issues. Most of the times these issues are simple to solve, however sometimes there's a little trick to it. I will give you some some simple methods to try and fix this problem.

When the router and modem are unplugged from power, I have had users swap all ethernet cables end for end, where possible. This is to ensure a good physical connection. At this point I'd also bypass the router to make troubleshooting easier.

I will also reinstall the NIC driver. Doing so saves me the time and trouble of looking through Network settings. If it's not a common NIC and the OS is Windows XP, they may need the driver CD.

The next to last step is to have the user issue 'netsh winsock reset catalog' at the command prompt, followed by a reboot. If it still shows an IP of 169.254.xx.xx, they probably need a new NIC or the cable/port is bad.
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Hello DaffyKantReed,

You state a lot of good troubleshooting steps, though as a purpose of this guide was to give people a really easy fix they could try before having to go through all this.

Thanks for your contribution to the forums! :)

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Great information I'm adding this topic to my suggestions.
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@Artellos and rshaffer61:

Thanks you both for your kind words. When time allows, I will post a more complete version.
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Have you tried upgrading the firmware on your Router? Also make sure that the "work Offine" under the Tools section of explorer is unchecked.

Edited by jr630, 07 March 2010 - 08:17 PM.

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