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having some general problems

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  • PipPipPip
  • 236 posts
i have had my newly built pc for about 2 months now, and i was loving it until recently.(my specs are in my sig) i decided to go with windows vista home premium edition 64-bit. up unitl this point i have a had mainly minimal problems, but they have started to come up. like just today(i attached the screenshot) my pc started up and some images were corrupt or stayed on my screen, which was wierd. also today, i was just restarting my pc after making some changes to the startup, and it was taking a long time. there has also been times when i think that my pc should be able to multitask but it just slows down. i mean, i have an awesome gpu and a quad core processor, which should be doing fine.
what can i do to make these problems go away?

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  • Vista_Error_1.jpg

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