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Hi and thank for taking the time and reading this. I have been all over the internet trying to find a solution to this <windowsroot>\systems32\ntoskvnl.exe corrupt missing problem. I just recently ran updates on my computer and re booted my computer. After doing so I received this error message with a black screen. I have selected every option on that screen to boot windows up but keeps returning to that screen. My computer is a HP Pavillion A1130n and I'm running Windows XP Media Center ed 2005. I have a XP Pro cd but no factor cd that came with the computer. I have many Family pictures on this computer that I dont want to lose. So I am very scared to really do anything to jeopardize me losing these files. I have called HP but its my lucky day that my warranty has expired . Is there anyone out there that can help me? I would greatly appreciate any feedback. Again, Thank you for your time..
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Duplicate topic here, which is the appropriate forum for this question. I"m closing this one.
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