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HP backup caused a space problem..

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Hi... I have: HP Laptop & Windows Vista Business.

Firstly: I made a mistake, I think all backups & restore should have been made in safe mode.. Anyway, currently its too late:

1. I made a HP.Entire.Drive.Backup on an External drive. It blocked at 77%, I restarted pc. 11GB was on my portable Hardisk as backup, I deleted it.
2. I tried again but made the backup of c: on c: itself. It went faster but stopped going further at 77% again. I canceled, it blocked, I restarted.

- Again, its used 11GB of my harddisk -> Problem: I dont know where it put that 1/2.Backup is on my Drive.
- Please Help someone!! I want to recover that '11GB space'.

3. Then, I tried 2 Windows System Restore which failed, then I tried it in Safe mode & it worked.

But although, it has Restored my system to the previous 'day' state -> When I check my Harddisk, it still displays 80GB Free instead of 90GB Free !!

Please Help me quickly, and tell me how to recover that space..

Help me:

1. If I have 70GB data, Manual Restore Point created -> Install a prog -> space become 100GB.

Would Windows System Restore restore the harddisk back to 70GB?
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Jeff Berndsen

Jeff Berndsen


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File Backup controls the folder structure where the backup is stored. The location is computername\Backup Set Date\. File Backup uses its own folder structure to have a predictable place for the backups, both for the users to look at and for File Backup when performing a restore from a foreign computer.
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