I'm downloading a a program, that i no is legit..
it Dwnloads as an .exe, i downloaded and installed it once.
After Disabling my Anti virus, because this program so happens to be a key logger (Dw, it's not to reack havock it's for [bleep]'s n giggles)
The program installed correctly, and was functional.
Then half of the program went missing and it started to bug a lil bit, nothing to serious.
I decided to uninstall the program and re install it.
I went to find the .exe and it wasnt their.
I went back to the website, redownloaded the .exe and when it started to copy over it says like usual,
You need administrative privilages to copy this file.
I press continue, and it comes up as failed, with three options Retry, Ignor, Cancell.
And from their i cannot copy, i have to cancell the download.
I've done a full Chkdsk to see if NTFS was corrupt.
The File Cannot be copied anywhere! Portable Hard-drive, C:, D: thumbdrive.
The File cannot be extracted from a .rar (This was from a different website)
I turned off all anti virus, firewalls and vistas UAV or wotever it's called.
I'm running 64bit Vista.
i have uploaded two Picture's of what im trying to explain.
The program ithat im trying to download is called: Ardamax 2.8
I have administrative privilages, i've checked in Local Groups/Administrator's that my account is in the Admin group
i have full priviligies

Edited by matt., 30 September 2008 - 06:01 AM.