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TPM Error on bootup

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I have a gateway ML6732 been working fine for 3-4 months and suddenly it developed a TPM error on boot screen right after it reads the memory, locks and wont go any further.

Seems like something in the CMOS or BIOS some sort of password secruity encryption module id guess does anyone have any ideas or ran across this before...Any solutions for a fix...

It doesnt allow me access to the system nor the hdd or cdrom .....just reads memory and locks,
all i can do is use F10 and F2 to enter the bios setup...........nothing else.

Very strange error for a new laptop by Gateway....even the gateway crew is stumped.... LOL :)

Appreciate any comments or suggestions....

Unit is still under warranty, i'd just like to know before i send it back to them....they think the hard drive has to be formatted......but i took it out and ran it (SATA) drive on myother laptop in a USB ext
case and it works fine....

any suggestions would be appreciated

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TPM stand for Trusted Platform Module I think. Not for sure how it is fixed in a situation like that but check your BIOS for any type of encryption configuration that you can disable or change. TPM is actually software I believe (only heard of it once) so it may have become corrupt. Other than this, I would send it back to the manufacturer for a fix.


After a quick search I came up with this:

Might give you some insight on what it is and how to fix it. I've never run into it personally so I'm a little short on help :)

Edited by ChvyKc, 23 October 2008 - 12:55 PM.

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