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Media Center PC

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We're looking to buy a media center PC to go along with a new TV. I have no knowledge of this area of computers, so I'm turning to you geeks: which branded media center computer will suit our needs?

Basically, we're looking for a small and quiet PC. The second part is especially important - we got hi-fi freaks around here, and they need total silence while listening to music. We want Blueray, as well as recording capabilities and a large HDD, and WiFi of course. As for an operating system, I'm thinking Vista MCE, unless Apple have something comparable that's worth looking into.

I really am clueless here, and I'd like to hear your suggestions - even recommended brands would be fine. As for price, we have no problems paying for quality, but we really don't need anything high-end for gaming :)


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Branded? You should build it yourself. :)

A bit of research finds this for you.

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