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Edit Video

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I am trying to edit videos on windows movie maker. I have no trouble importing the video from the camera to the laptop, and it plays fine there. However, when the video is in the movie maker it doesn't play. It moves a frame every now and then but for the most part, it stays still. Is the video to high of quality? Or, do I need a different editing software?
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    Portlock - Oahu

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Windows movie maker, at best, is just not that great. Sorry to say that any video editing program that comes installed with a computer won't do a very good job. WMM will actually choke on larger videos and may actually be why you're having problems. Not to mention, conversions from WMM are sometimes not compatible with other editing programs and will error out if used in those programs. They will probably be fine for running on another Windows machines, but if you're into video editing, WMM is never the start place.

Most people into video editing will use 3rd party software and depending on what you want to do, some of that software can be had for free. One the other hand, free software will normally have requirements of other free software along with video codecs, etc. This is the world of learning how to edit video. Even if you were to purchase an editing program, there is much to learn and to do... and is why I can't recommend one.

Geeks to Go, while a very good site for much information, is probably not the place to learn about editing videos. I would join in on the forums of VideoHelp, and Doom9 to learn about these things. The forums are helpful and the websites are simply chock full of information... overwhelming as it is. Visit these places first before considering what software to purchase.
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