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no sound or video on PS3

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ok so i just bought a PS3 from someone. It was working at his place throught HDMI. I have brought it home and connected the component cables and i have no sound or video. I tried reseting it but still no luck. Can anyone help?
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2 things you can do, buy HDMI cable, only few bucks on ebay.com, or check and see why component cables aren't working
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Also , have you setup your T.V. to recieve the PS3 signal , may have to select another channel such as AV .
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As learninggeek said it's because the display on the playstation 3 is set to HDMI (although it's not because the cables aren't working). I tricked geek squad (idiots) with this once by bringing it in and saying the display didn't work. Reality was I just wanted a brand new ps3. He deemed it as faulty because he couldn't get it to display either. You can either buy an HDMI tv or go back to that person to use their TV and go to Settings -> Display Settings and choose Component.

Edited by sync0s, 18 January 2009 - 02:30 AM.

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