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Alright, so I just typed "how to geek forum" and this was the first one on the list. Therefore, I will pose my question here with the highest of hopes that someone can help me out.

I'm making something that requires me to have a few things that I don't quite know how to do for myself. I've done some Googles on some examples as to what I need, but to no avail. I come humbly.

Firstly, I was curious as to whether it was possible, and if so, how to go about hooking up a CD player (or other similar media device that has an Auxiliary Audio Output) to two what I will call "pressure switches" (for lack of knowledge on my part). Basically I need it so that every time there is a certain amount of pressure placed upon the switch, it will activate the media device to play a sound (push the play button) which will, in turn, play through speakers.

Secondly - this one is a bit easier (I hope) - I need to make a switch that allows me to switch between an OFF position, an ON position, and another ON position. The intent is that I can switch between two different sets of colored LED's (one red, the other green) with the flick of a switch, then to the OFF position when not in use.

I'm sure there are a few other things that I need answers to, but I can't think of them right now. Maybe if I'm lucky enough to finish this project, I can take some pictures and show you guys what it is. If it turns out well, you guys will be nothing short of amazed. :)

Thanks in advance for any and all help in regards to this query.
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Major Payne

Major Payne

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1) There are many pressure switches on the market, but the major work is going to be on your CD player. I wouldn't work with anything mechanical, but the pressure switch could energize the correct relay contacts to turn on/off any device. You will need the electronic schematic for this. Some devices do provide a remote control jack so I would look for this being available first. See Pressure Switches. Other Sources for Pressure Switches.

2) A simple single pole, single throw (S.P.D.T.) Center Off or double pole, double throw (D.P.D.T.) Center Off switch from Radio Shack or any electronic supply house would work for you with the Red?Green LEDs. See Switches.

Edited by Major Payne, 01 November 2008 - 12:01 AM.

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