I got a buddy that talks way over my head all the time. He has been in the computer business(Large corporations, Military, personal computers) for like 33 years. He absolutely despises Vista. He swears up and down that no one could of possibly tested that OS the way it should have been. He starts talking about numbers and programing, I don't know. I remember one conversation I attempted to have with him and he was talking about how one of the computers he was working on for one of his clients was having some sort of hardware issue. He said come to find out that Vista was programmed???(don't know if that is the correct term) with some numbers ending in just 1, instead of it being 001. (Something like that) And I'm not talking about IP addresses either. He went onto say that this problem was already solved by Microsoft in Windows 98 with an exact same problem in Windows 95. And here all the way to Vista, they go back to it???? He gets real fired up over it. He has told me a few other stories about Vista and talks about the internal guts is what it sounds like to me and he says its absolute junk, written and designed terribly.
One time I said I was scared of ever having to deal with a Vista issue and he said
"Working on computers with Vista is like a Doctor having to work on cancer, you have to do it whether you like it or not."
I wish I could have more technical talk but I don't know all that programming language and all that stuff.
So how that relates to the Topic is that I'm very interested in what my buddy thinks of 7 when it comes out. He has the beta, but hasn't installed it yet. Everytime I see him he brings it up "Gonna test this out one of these days" and holds the CD up in the air.