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Calling all Computer Science Majors!

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Hello all,
I am a college student who is currently researching/writing a paper about computer science careers. I need to interview a few people, two actually, who hold a computer science degree, and are putting their degree to work. I don't currently know anyone who has studied computer science and thus I have turned to the internet. Yahoo answers isn't very helpful and my paper is due soon.

I would REALLY REALLY appreciate it if you would take the time to answer the following questions below. Please E-mail your responses to me.

Interview Questions
1. Name:
2. Current Job/Job Title:
3. Education Level (Degree Earned):
4. Could you describe what you typically do at work?
5. Is your job stressful?
6. Do you find your job to be satisfying?
7. Have you had a job, or does your job involve traveling?
8. How hard was it for you to find a job after earning your degree?
9. Do you believe that outsourcing is a major problem for new graduates trying to obtain a job in the technology field?
10. Any suggestions or comments for a student majoring in computer science?

THANK YOU in advance!!
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    OT Moderator

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Hi stasfickit,

Typically we don’t help students with homework, and it’s not really interviewing someone if you just wait for some random users on the open forum to post answers to your questions. (you might as well just fill it out yourself :) )

Also there will be no way for your professor to verify the integrity or the user that may of responded to you. I think you should just do a little more research in your area and find two people with computer science degree’s and actually interview them. That way you can use them as a reference in your paper. :)
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