I am a college student who is currently researching/writing a paper about computer science careers. I need to interview a few people, two actually, who hold a computer science degree, and are putting their degree to work. I don't currently know anyone who has studied computer science and thus I have turned to the internet. Yahoo answers isn't very helpful and my paper is due soon.
I would REALLY REALLY appreciate it if you would take the time to answer the following questions below. Please E-mail your responses to me.
Interview Questions
1. Name:
2. Current Job/Job Title:
3. Education Level (Degree Earned):
4. Could you describe what you typically do at work?
5. Is your job stressful?
6. Do you find your job to be satisfying?
7. Have you had a job, or does your job involve traveling?
8. How hard was it for you to find a job after earning your degree?
9. Do you believe that outsourcing is a major problem for new graduates trying to obtain a job in the technology field?
10. Any suggestions or comments for a student majoring in computer science?
THANK YOU in advance!!