I am generally speaking very tech savvy when it comes to using a computer, however recently when i went into my computer there is an additional "local disk" (H:\) that was not there before, and through further investigation is empty with 0bytes of storage space. When i double click to open it, i get an error message: "H:\ refers to a location that is unavailable. It could be on...."
My question is HOW do i get rid of this useless drive the seems to have just shown up! It isn't affecting my computer but its very bothersome. Thanks for any help in advanced. biggrin3.gif
The only new software i have used is Daemon Tools, to mount a disc. In the picture below that virtual drive is disabled so it isn't showing up but could this be a result??
C: is my regular local disk
D: is HP's recovery partition
E: my laptops internal drive
F: jump/flash drive running readyboost (vista)
G: external burner
H: My Problem!!!!!! The mysterious drive that has shown up. Notice the "?"
I hope i have provided enough information to receive some answers biggrin3.gif thanks everyone.
Incase the photos mess up: