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Good Morning,
I just purchased a Dell XPS M1530 laptop. The representative at B***B** offered an optimization service for around $65. She said it would take about an hour, but would "optimize" my system (basically maxing out it's capabilities including faster startups etc.). I opted out, because I thought that maybe it would be something that I can do.


Can anyone provide me with step by step instructions for "Optimizing" my brand new laptop?

I just took it out of the box, so a quick response would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much!
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The Admiral

The Admiral

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Hi Kinney, and welcome to Geeks to Go!

Try out your laptop for a few days. If you don't think it is running fast enough for you out of the box, come back and we'll talk. But laptops fresh out of the box don't need optimization, so I doubt you'll have any issues.

Good luck!
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